Glad to see you finally posted Part 2. Sorry it took me so long to post feedback, but I had to re-read the prologue and Part 1 first.

Great story.

Why wouldn't Lara and Jor-El just leave the ship in orbit and fly down. That's what Zara and Ching did, isn't it (with the little ship not the Palace). But then Lara and Jor-El's ship would be older so that probably wouldn't be possible.

I take it the New Krytponians don't know their King is also in orbit, eh? I can't wait to see what happens.

Would Clark be able to do this, if he had just had a major kryptonite exposure?

When the pair got inside Clark’s apartment, he spun into some comfortable clothes while Lois rummaged in his dresser for something to borrow.
Looking forward to the next part.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~