Hey, Nancy, this was really funny! And cute. Imagine, Superman himself gets to play Jimmy Olsen in a movie about Superman set in the LnC universe!!! Priceless!

And, hey, this was just so funny too:

Lois and Clark were also characters in the movie. What a hoot! Lois was going to be played by that sexy actress on 'Desperate Housewives'. Her name was Teri Hatcher. Lois just loved that show.

She said a little shakily, "You... are him?" He nodded. "Ohhh... I can't believe I said that to you."

"Well, what had you planned on saying to me if you knew it was me you were saying it to?"

"Well, I hadn't *planned* on talking." She turned and pointed out her trailer. "That's where I'll be."
She's pointing out her trailer to him!! razz

He looked over to the director. "Does this go on all the time?"

"Ummm.... Let's just say it's a lot worse than usual. What can I say? They think you are hot."
Hmmm, yes. That's what this story is called, isn't it? Superman is hot?

Perplexed, he answered, "I'm hot?" He shook his head lightly. "So, I'm supposed to be a policeman, huh?"

"Well, actually I imagine the only thing you do is be Superman, but it's making for a good story. And man, this is going to be blockbuster."

"Oh, come on."

"Superman, I just don't think you fully realize your hotness factor."
So funny! Superman is supposed to play a policeman, but all the director really wants him to do is be Superman. goofy And this sweet Man of Steel doesn't realize his hotness factor! goofy

Finally, he could get out of there and go back home to Lois.
Good! You know I'm always relieved when he does that!

The movie, 'Superman', premiered. It made more money that any other movie ever made.
I wish it had been so for real! Of course, if you made a Superman movie where Superman was played by Brandon Routh, Clark Kent by Dean Cain, Lois Lane by Teri Hatcher, Jimmy Olsen the policeman was played by Superman himself and his partner 'Sugar', whom he has the hots for, was played by Kate Bosworth, well, I can imagine that this movie would be hot! A blockbuster indeed! Where can I buy a ticket, Nancy? goofy

Ann (who'd nevertheless miss Jason in this sensational movie, since she considered Superman and Lois's son to be a super-excellent addition to the new "real world" Superman movie, 'Superman Returns')