*LOL* That was an interesting vignette, Shayne. I read it in full before I peeked into this thread, and I wasn't aware of the Supermen United challenge, but it was easy enough to catch on.

I'm only acquainted with three of the Clarks: L&C, Smallville and SR. And I actually thought Brandon Routh was good in the last. *g* But I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Smallville Clark's interjection about Lois made me laugh. And the reference to his Lana Lang obsession was spot on.

I liked your use of our Clark's POV on his counterparts, especially when he got to make this observation: They didn’t seem to understand that Superman was a man before he had ever been super.

All that, and a happy ending (I obviously am pulling for Lois and Clark on Smallville, too. wink ). Thanks for sharing.

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."