My absolutely favorite part of this chapter was the bit with Chloe and Claire. Nancy, how do you manage to get all the kids here so irresistibly charming? I'm in awe.

Anyway, Chloe and Claire as Blue Fairy and Purple Fairy - oooohhhh, delightful!!! I hope we get to see them in outfits like these before this story is over! smile1

The part with Margeaux was - well, scary. It was kind of horrible that it was impossible to reason with her - that she wouldn't put down the knife. Of course, in view of the fact that she is the Mutilator's original victim, I can certainly understand her desperation. She freaks me out a bit, all the same.

This got to me so badly:

"Anamarie, I cannot believe you have done this. Now that she's here, though, it's going to be hard to move her. Why didn't you ask for my help? Or why didn't you ask the police?"

Margeaux answered, "You don't understand, Mr. Kent. He always finds me. It doesn't matter if the police help or not."
How horribly true this is sometimes. Why can't the legal system protect women from the worst killers and madmen? mad

So the Mutilator is preparing to strike again, and he is looking for Margeaux. Who is hiding in Clark's house, along with two of the Mutilator's previous victims. Jenni and Clark.

Well, it seems to me that if the Mutilator were to strike again quite soon, the good guys would have a good chance to defeat him. Just think of all the heroes (and potential heroes) who are gathered in Clark's house. Zared, Jon, Hannah, Bruce, Claire and Chloe. You know I can almost imagine Meowoof pitching in and protecting her humans. So maybe Clark is safe thanks to this adorable little cat!
