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Okay, the valedictorian is the top graduate (or graduates) of a school. Some schools make anyone who graduated with a perfect 4.0 (straight A's or the best grade - usually a grade between 90 to 100%) a valedictorian. Others make it much harder. Harder classes or honor classes are given a higher 'point'. So with an honor class, you might be able to get a 4.5 or a 5.0. Or some schools that don't do that go back through every grade that all 4.0 students had. Sometimes it comes down to one or two points. I personally like it better when the schools make it tougher. Somehow, I don't think it says quite the same when a school graduates with 7 or 8 or more valedictorians. (I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, here.)

The salutorian is the second highest graduate in a class. Of course if the school has multiple valedictorians, picking a salutorian or salutorians becomes pretty murky.

In my 'A New Hero' high school, there was one valedictorian and one salutorian. So Jon was the second highest graduate in his class.

I thought about giving Clark a mini cerebral hemorrhage, but then I decided the threat of one worked pretty well, too. By the way, a stroke is a type of cerebral hemorrhage. Also sometimes with a migraine, a person's blood pressure can sky rocket. And a high blood pressure can lead to some type of hemorrhage. Anyway, I was trying to show that Clark very much put himself in danger.

He should have known better than do what he did, but even the best among us sometimes learn the things the hard way. As you can see he has more consequences to deal with.

Oh, and Danny is Jenni's father, but thinking he was one of the twins brothers is pretty funny. I might try to put something like that in the family. I know families get their twins mixed up all the time (even if they don't want to admit it). Of course sometimes twins have been known to do something like that on purpose.

Well, at least Mayson doesn't think their 'relationship' has gone into the sexual realm yet.

Thanks for your comments.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~