I am feeling a little better about Clark and Lois after this chapter, for reasons like this...

Conversation seemed to flow naturally with them. It didn’t feel forced.
<It feels go good to joke around with Clark. So …natural. Like we’ve known each other for years. Amazing>.
And based on the way Clark reacted to her new clothes, I am going to guess that physical attraction won't be a problem.

(Size 16. Sigh. Must be nice!)

“Ms. Lane would like. Please, Ms. Lane, come with us. Let’s get those horrible clothes off of you right away!”
Being squired by Superman is a different world, isn't it, Lois?

You can take us out of here, but first let me handle these guys, Watch and learn.”
I guess three years in the wilderness didn't take away all of the old Lois Lane!

“Clark Kent – it’s time to level with me. I may be a bit rusty, but my reporter’s instincts tell me that Superman doesn’t do this kind of thing very often. In fact, from what I read about you when I was at the newspaper today, after you broke off your engagement with the Lang woman, you’ve been keeping quite a low personal profile. So spill it.”
Yep, that's our Lois. You can't beat around the bush with her for too long.

Since this is AltClark, it is neat to see him mix his powers into his Clark activities, something the regular Clark can't do.

Good chapter!

lisa in the sky with diamonds