Hi, DJ! drool

The smile on Chad’s face falls a little. “Oooh, yeah, I guess you’re right.” Then the smile comes back, slightly crooked. “And then we wouldn’t have had a chance to explore your deep-seated attraction to Lois Lane.”
You're busted, Clark. drool

Chad’s eyebrow’s creep up to that previously high level. “Asked you to? We’re talking about the same woman here, aren’t we? Lois Lane, aggressive investigative reporter who you told me wants to get her first Pulitzer by the time she’s thirty? *That* Lois Lane asked you to help her write the story? Buddy, she’s hot for you.”

“You think so?”
All together now: Duh, Clark! [Linked Image]

My first by-line for the Daily Planet. I wish it wasn’t my last.
It doesn't need be the last.

“Okay, you kids, now get on out of here and go celebrate!” Perry tells Lois and I, his face beaming. Then he grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side out of earshot of anyone else. “Clark, I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed having you here. If you ever decide that being an editor isn’t your cup of tea – believe me, I’ve asked myself that more than once – I want you to know that you’ve always got a job waiting for you here.”
I said you so, Clark. What are you waiting for?

“Basking in the glory?” I ask her.

“No,” she says, blushing. “Actually, I was thinking how good your name looks next to mine.
Smooth. laugh Do you want her to draw you a diagram, Clark?

We both laugh together. It feels so good, so right. I wish it could last.
It's up to you, Clark.

“You know,” she says, putting her arm through mine, “I bet if you wanted to fulfill that boyhood dream of yours and move to Metropolis, that Perry would probably give you a job,” Lois tells me, giving my arm a squeeze.

“Hah. Then you’d be stuck with me.”

“That’s what I was hoping for,” she says, stopping our walk and moving in close to me. Her face is just inches from mine, her lips just a moment away. Oh god, I want to kiss her so badly. She looks so beautiful in the light of the setting sun. I want to take her in my arms and just hold her and forget about the rest of the world. But I can’t.
/me slaps Clark. razz

“I’m sorry. It was wrong of me not to reveal that to you. I had the perfect opportunity that night we asked each other if we were married, and I didn’t. Part of why I didn’t is because she and I aren’t going to stay together. That’s one of the reasons I have to go back to Smallville, to finalize a few things.”
At least he had made up his mind.

“I think that would be a lot to give up for someone - your dreams - even if you love them. You must have one heck of a reason for calling it quits with her,” she pauses for a moment and when I don’t say anything, she continues, “Are you breaking up with her because of me?”

“No.” That’s not the truth, Clark. You promised to tell her the whole truth. “Well, yes, ...maybe ...partly. But that’s not the main reason.”

Is it?
Of course it is! Lana has always treated you as her door mat and you've accepted it. If weren't for his attraction to Lois, you wouldn't be considering calling it quits with her. mad /me slaps Clark again.

With her back to me I can’t see her face, but I hear the soft sniffle escape from her. “Just goodnight,” she pauses, standing a little taller and squaring her shoulders and then continues, “But if you’re leaving I guess it has to be goodbye also. Look me up next time you’re in Metropolis. Maybe we can take another walk. Maybe you’ll have more you want to say.” She starts to take a few steps away from me.

“Lois, I...”

She halts and when her voice comes, it’s hollow and anguished. “You’d better go, Clark. I wouldn’t want you to miss your flight.” She doesn’t make a motion to turn around, to face me. My heart is breaking.
Mine too. whinging

“Goodbye, Lois,” I say softly. I walk up behind her and place a kiss, ever so gently, in her hair. I feel a slight hesitation in her, as if she might want to turn around. But she doesn’t.

And then I walk away.
Awwww... This is so sad. mecry My heart broke. It's reduced to pieces. I hope next part come with a WAFFy glue to fix it. grovel

Andreia (with her heart broken and her hand hurting for slaping a super dense Clark) thud

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15