I meant to post some feedback earlier, and I apologize for not doing so until now.

I still like it! I like the way Lois has come so far out of her shell and is doing super-things like flying with Clark and using her powers more openly. I'm still waiting for a decent costume (that hideous Ultra Woman in the series was worse than awful!) so she can swoop down on the bad guys - er, the dragons - and scare the bejabbers out of them.

And I, like others, believe that these two aren't brother and sister. They may be birth-wed, or one may have been adopted into the other's family, or the dude in the fancy dress hologram was addressing them as "son/daughter of Krypton," which is what Kal-El is sometimes called.

I think it's a crying shame that Clark and Lois believe that they can't be together romantically. I feel confident that there's a logical, reasonable explanation for everything that will allow them to love each other with a passion as deep and relentless as space itself.

And I still wonder if their ships got separated in flight or if they were programmed to land some distance apart to give them both a fighting chance to survive. This is such a touching story, and I bet Lois's Mama still has some small but important part to play in this melodrama. Keep it coming, Janet, please! This is such a neat premise, and you're doing such a good job with it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing