I'm not entirely sure I approve of Clark when he invades people's minds and removes parts of their memories, but in Mayson's case I'll make an exception. That woman gave me the willies here. Telling her about Clark and Superman felt like opening the door to Clark's home and asking catastrophe to enter. Just imagine, Mayson thought she had slept with Clark! In your dreams, Mrs Drake-Smith. Literally. (But I'm glad Clark was kind enough to let Mayson keep her fantasy about having made love to Clark. She'll be happier if she is allowed to keep believing that about the two of them.)

There are other catastrophes waiting to enter Clark's home, however. The Mutilator!!! If he isn't one of the scariest villains ever.... Please let Zared and Jon stop him. I love the idea of the two sons of Superman working together. I really liked Zared's superhero outfit. Is Jon going to don one soon? Or maybe he's a bit shy and unwilling, a bit hesitant, just the way he approaches the idea of intimacy with Hannah?

Speaking of Hanna, I would love it even more if she became the third superhero here. Imagine! A trio of young superheroes! Hannah should be some version of Robin, I think. At least I imagine her that way. Of course, I don't think her mother would approve, and even I have to admit that it's too early for Hannah to go public with her powers. She needs to practice using them a lot more before she can trust herself to use them in life or death situations. Still, you know... I do think Hannah could make a difference even now when they try to catch the Mutilator.

And Marilyn and Bruce come to Clark's home to talk to Hannah. Nanacy, I loved this:
"Marilyn, I don't know how you convinced me to do this, but... Well, if it can work for Clark. Okay, Hannah. I'm Batman."
You know this totally cracked me up! Nancy, you read DJ's delightful nfic, Novel Idea. I don't have to ask you if you remember the little revelation game that Lois and Clark played in the epilogue:
“I’m...” he whispers.


“I’m... Batman.”

Well, you see, I was thinking of that when I read the last sentence of your post! But honestly, even if it wasn't quite as funny as DJ's "revelation", I much, much appreciate what Bruce told Hannah here!

Please come back soon with more of this story!
