Thanks for the nice comments, everyone. smile

Terry>> I have a strong preference for character-oriented stories, both as a reader and a writer. smile If I can't make a reader care about a character, I figure there's no point in telling the story -- for me, stories are all about the people in them.

This is a rough draft; I may include more Illyria in the final draft. I need to re-watch some Angel eps with her and I haven't had time.

Labrat>> No problems with hijacking the thread as far as I could see ... smile

Chapter nine will be posted sometime towards the end of next week. I'm on vacation and actually e-mailing ya'll from a cabin in the woods. I need to watch a Angel eps to clarify a few plot points and I didn't think to bring my Angel disks.

(Unless ... can anyone tell me who called Giles to ask for help when Fred was first posessed by Illyria -- was it Angel or Wesley? And did they specifically tell him WHY they needed help or just ask for help? Matters to the story; I need to know if Giles would know if Fred's dead or not. Once I know that I can finish the rough draft of the story.)