Just a quick counterpoint (I like good, well reasoned fanfic discussion smile )
Yes, people are very lucky to find a love like this, but why is it so unusual to think that it could never happen twice?
What I'm talking about is the bolt of lightning, love at first sight, love so strong that they feel compelled to walk down the aisle RIGHT NOW type of love. I have no doubt that people can fall in love, even deeply so, more than once in their lifetime. But I would think that the second time around, the person would be more hesitant. I also think that an outsider looking at the situation would think something funny was going on if a woman hooked up with another man mere weeks after becoming widowed.

And why would Jenny's former marriage be tainted? Why would people assume she didn't love CJ because she fell in love again while carrying his child? Why wouldn't people see a young, grieving widow that was desperately lonely? Why would they see her as greedy?
Cynicism. That, and the situation is just not normal and doesn't seem right. How lonely can she be with a family like hers, and is she really so lonely that she'd shack up with, almost literally, the first new guy she met after her husband's death? I appreciate that you see the sunny side of things - that's best side to see smile - but much of this part was intended to be a reality check. I'm not passing judgement, I'm just trying for an outsider's view of the situation.

I can't imagine anyone saying this to a child (although I know there are old biddies out there that would - it just seems sad
I remember when I was a kid, one of neighbors laid into me about how much of a b-word my mother was...and Mom was at work at the time. I did my best in showing that it was an inherited trait laugh ... but the point is that there are people out there who say such things. It really is sad but true.

Thanks for the feedback - a good discussion is always welcome.


To thine own self be true.