
When you first started to post that story, I didn't have time to read fanfics, so I just added it to my "to read" list. I have a little more time now, and I just read all the 13 first chapters. I LOVE that story.

There is so much interesting thing:
- I like the way Clark feels bored while he is recovering
- I love that Clark is able to date anew, and Caitlyn seems very nice. I like her.
- I love Zared character. The fact that he made some really stupid things during his adolescence, the way he is now trying to be a person as good as his father...
- The relationship between Jeni and her father is really interesting, too
- I hope we will see more of Jon and Hannah relationship too
- And to finish, I really am curious to know how it happened that Clark and Zara had a child together! wow!

That is a lot to deal with when writing a story, but you do really great. I love reading all that! So interesting! Keep it coming. That's a great story!