Another great part! clap clap

I had half-suspected that Clark would have been the spandex-clad superhero on the Prometheus, but I had this unrealistic hope: that Lois would have been the first between them to “confess” to the other , as a testament of her courage, and trust towards Clark. Now I understand how this would be impossible: she couldn’t put her trust in Clark with her secret, first of all because is too soon, they were only colleagues on the verge to become good friends, and then because she has been alone for too much: she haven’t had a real relationship with someone in her life, besides her Mama, so, even if the desire to confide her deeper thoughts was been probably overwhelming sometimes, her mantra “I don’t need anyone” or “I cannot trust anyone” was always in her mind, and she wasn’t able to be herself with someone; her lack of experience with caring relationships was making impossible for her to confide in Clark. Only the strong feelings she’s beginning to have for him, and now this discovered connection, will be able to help her to reveal herself to him: not only her strange abilities, but also her past, her problems, her need for someone else. Given her past history, it will be a great achievement for her if now she tells him her secret. I just hope that Clark will be able to be there for her.

A thought: two super-powered aliens(?)... both with the “S” shield... probably they come from the same family... knowing that you wouldn’t break our hearts making them siblings, could they be differently related? Could they be birth-married? Lady Zara and Lord Kal-El? This is crazy, I know :p

simona smile