Maybe he is looking for a better place to stay. And maybe, just maybe, he's with this world's version of Bureau 39 and has been assigned to keep tabs on the alien masquerading as Lois Lane.

Wow! Wouldn't that be a topper! I hope I'm wrong, but in keeping with the idea that doing the worst possible thing to your character makes it the next logical step, it would indeed be a plot twist to clobber all earlier plot twists.

I really, really like the way Lois has confided in Clark about her need to fight the dragons. It strikes me, however, that her need is almost pathological, and if Clark turns out to be even loosely associated with Bureau 39 (for the wrong reasons, of course), Lois may not be able to get past that. And I was a little surprised that this tough, Kevlar-hearted reporter was not only badly shocked by a mangled, dead body, but that she almost fell into Clark's arms seeking comfort. It's a measure of just how deeply Clark has burrowed into her heart in this short time. And it's also indicative of just how fragile this immensely powerful woman really is. Please, Clark, keep treating her with velvet gloves!

I'm ready for the next chapter. Is it up yet?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing