Leela! Wow...This was another *great* part. I was sooo happy for Clark. As Pam said, he was so cute
She's okay with it! She's okay with it!
when he was trying not to get too excited, and then Lois was getting excited about it too, even when she kept telling herself that she shouldn't be. Yup, they're getting closer. And here she didn't even get scared, even for a second, when first seeing Clark - yes, maybe it was because she was all worried about Lex, but it was another *big* step forward. And so maybe the next time she sees Clark, she won't get scared either, or her fear won't last as long... More steps forward. Excellent.

The whole scene with Lex. It may not be the wham that Tank is anxiously waiting for, but it was scary. Lex was incredibly menacing and incredibly creepy here. He was very quick to pick up on Lois' reactions to him and didn't hesitate to use that to his advantage. And he'll remember that for their next encounter.

And of course, I loved this. I mean, who wouldn't... [Linked Image]
Do I mind spending time with you? Being with you in a car? In close quarters? Do I mind? Have I died? Gone to heaven? Did I win the lottery? How did life suddenly get so great? “I don’t mind at all, Lois.” And as he said this, he gave her a smile that was dazzling.

She stared at him, trying not to let her jaw drop at the effect his smile had on her. What is it about him that makes me feel so good?

“Okay Clark. Good – then… then it’s a date.”
And I'm with Pam. Please write more soon, whether it's dates or whams or whatever...just more, please... smile


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5