Nice part, Nancy. I liked how you showed us how difficult it must be to be a young boy and turn up at a major car crash scene and start rescuing people. What the heck should you do exactly, and how can you avoid injuring people further?

The scene where Zared met his classmate was great. Wow! She didn't recognize him! I liked his superhero outfit, by the way. It's nice that Martha made it for him, too. (Although it was so painful that Martha should be alive and well when Lois is dead - but I know, I know, I should stop going on about this now....)

Speaking about Martha, I think perhaps she should have reacted a bit more when she heard that Jenni was pregnant. I most certainly don't think Martha should start scolding or blaming Zared, but I think perhaps she should just generally talk to him a little about his future, his thoughts about becoming a father, his feelings about Jenni etc.

Danny is a depressing sort of father. He's going to throw his daughter out of his home because she became pregnant. You'd think parents should be there for their children when they get themselves into a situation like that.

Looking forward to seeing more of Zared and Jenni together in the next part.
