I just caught up the last three parts of this story, and I'm only sorry I haven't read them sooner! I love love love how the chapters have progressed, and especially the genuinely kind, if tenuous, spell Clark has cast on Mad Dog Lane.

This in particular, made me smile:
She grabbed a sandwich at her favorite deli and sat in the park to eat it, as she often did if the weather was nice. She didn’t enjoy it as much as she usually did, though. If she weren’t invulnerable, she would have wondered if she might be coming down with something. As it was, she decided it was probably the uncertainty of the investigation that was getting to her. That it had never been an issue in any of her other investigations she refused to consider.
I just love how Lois is so adamant — forcing herself to discourage any and all romantic thoughts about Clark, when we can clearly see she's already begun to fall for him.

I only have one tiny nit-pick:
She knew how ridiculous that sounded - one man in a student population of close to ten thousand – but it still felt like she ought to have known.
The sentiment made my heart melt, but I couldn't help wondering if Met U wouldn't have a student population far greater than 10,000 (provided that it's a public university and not a private one). I'm a University of Kentucky grad, and our student population was a little more than 30,000 — and Lexington's home to less than 450,000 people. For a city the size of what Metropolis should be, and considering Met U's reputation, I just thought maybe it'd have more students.

But enough of that rather random mini-diatribe — Janet, your story is fantastic. I can't wait to read the next chapter! smile1

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien