“Fine. Do that, okay? I want to know what this does,” she said. “And why does Dr. Platt have this in his notes? Did he write it? Is it part of the shuttle programming, or is it malicious? He said the shuttles had been sabotaged; what about the space station itself? Oh, and –“

Jimmy was beginning to look alarmed; she waved the scrap of paper she still held at him again, and took pity on him. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Jimmy – go find out what this code thingy does. I’ll find out the rest. Go!”

He went.
LOVE IT!!! Poor Jimmy - I can just see the look on his face when he finds himself with Lois Lane on the trail of a story! I've really enjoyed this story so far - sorry I haven't been good with feedback - but know that there are readers out there that are loving this story, whether you've heard from them or not!!!

Keep up the great work - I'm looking forward to reading more!!!


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- Mahatma Gandhi