What a different take on fighting the dragons. Lois has to stand up to Claude not by using her superpowers, but by pressing charges, taking his assault to court, exposing herself as a victim of assault - all of that which so many women would rather die than consider. Because for the woman, putting herself on public display as an assault victim is tantamount to inviting that knee-jerk reaction, "She must have done something to bring it on herself. It must have been her own fault somehow. And anyway, even if it wasn't, she has been stained now by what he did to her, so that she can never be one of us again."

In the "real" LnC universe, Lois was seduced by Claude. Afterwards, Claude not only stole her story, but he badmouthed her all around the Daily Planet newsroom and made at least some people mock her and show her their contempt. In your story, Lois wasn't seduced by Claude and didn't have her story stolen (or at least, she made sure Claude got caught when he tried to steal it), but she may still end up the object of unpleasant office gossip.

I'm so moved by the fact that in this part, Lois's superpowers didn't make any difference. Everything that happened to her might have happened exactly the same way if she had been an ordinary woman. Like an ordinary woman, she was shocked and frightened by the assault on her, and like an ordinary woman, she needed other people to save her. But like the best and bravest of ordinary people, she is going to put herself on the line, risk her reputation and well-being, to fight for truth and justice. To stop a man who is a menace to other people.

This chapter was intensely emotional. And it made me think a lot about what "courage" really means.

Let me just say, as an aside, that I love it that this Lois, too, recognizes Perry's warmth for what it is - warmth. I loved Lane Smith's portrayal of Perry on Lois and Clark, and he is always going to be the definite, ultimate Perry to me. I'm so glad that your Lois understands Perry's warmth and knows that he is her friend. Eduardo, too, was very, very nice here. Eduardo has never made much of an impression on me, but I'm so glad that you showed us his goodness and uprightness here.

I'm so looking forward to the rest of this, Janet!
