YESS!!!! You are back! And nooo!!!! Why did you stop things so rudely at the end? That last scene was shaping up so nicely... goofy

But anyway, how do you you produce a snappy comeback answer to that one?

“I'm not sure exactly.” Lois chewed on her lip nervously. “I guess it hurts that you waited so long to tell me, and that you would give up on us that fast. I mean, I don't want to patch things up... I don't think. I don't know. It's just, I put everything into our marriage, Clark, and you, you always held a part of yourself back from me. I suppose I feel a little cheated.”
I love her babbling, and I love the fact that she doesn't really know what she wants.

Clark gripped her shoulders gently. “Lois-" He paused. "-Maybe I held back the fact that I was Superman with you, but I promise you, I never held back who I was inside. The man you know is still the man I am. And that man is still desperately in love with you.”
His usual answer. I'm not sure he actually *loved* Lois when he treated her like that. He probably just *wanted* her. On the other hand, Lois doesn't mind him wanting her....

Before she could further analyze what was happening between them, Clark dipped his head toward her. Closing her eyes, Lois succumbed to the natural gravitational pull of her body toward his as their lips met.
The natural gravitational pull... yeah, according to the law of physics, the gravitational force between two bodies will naturally pull them towards one another. Only it usually takes a body weighing millions of tons to exert any noticable gravity on a human body. But hey, I'll make an exception for the gravitational attraction between Clark and Lois's lips!!! hyper

Then he was kissing her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, planting them everywhere on her face and dipping kisses onto her neck as if he were staking his claim upon her. His hands roamed her arms and back, seeking to relearn and appreciate every touch.
Go on... go on.... hyper

It was only as her hands roamed his chest and began to loosen his tie that fate intervened with the sound of a gun clicking behind them.
NO!!!! NONONO!!!! Instead of us deliciously imagining Lois dragging Clark into an appropriate conference room to have her way with him, I guess we'll have to picture Chris Jeffers, the escaped prisoner, pointing his gun at Lois!!! Oh Marcy, this was such a very, very, very bad idea!!!!

And I can't even nag you to come back here with more tomorrow, or even next week, or even.... Hmmm. Okay, Marcy, I really did like this installment, only I wish it hadn't ended quite the way it did. I guess that if you aren't back here in a couple of months, then I'll imagine Lois kicking that gun out of Jeffers' hand and then dragging Clark into that conference room anyway! laugh
