Great chapter, DJ! I have very little time to comment on it, but I loved it. Well, for one thing it focused on Lois and Clark, and you know what I want my Lois and Clark stories to focus on, hmmm? wink

You handled the sensitive topic of what if would mean to Lois and Clark as a couple if she had to have her breast removed. I found all of it so right and moving, the way Lois pressed her breast flat to imagine what she would look like without it, the way Clark reassured her about constructive surgery, the way she still doubted that she would be a "real" woman if that happened, and the way she feared that Clark wouldn't be attracted to her if one of her breasts was just "reconstructed". And I loved the way you showed us Clark's complete love and acceptance of her, whatever treatment her tumour would require. (By the way, I rather liked Clark's suggestion that Doctor Klein should take a look at Lois, too.)

And then Clark's dream was just so horrible! It was the kind of nightmare that stays with you for the rest of your life. Thank God it only was a dream, though. But I loved it that you showed us what I think must be Clark's worst fear: that everyone will turn their backs on him, and that he will be helpless to do anything for anyone. And that his loved one will reject hem. Come to think of it, isn't that everyone's worst nightmare?

Brilliant, DJ. Looking forward to more! (Though, to be absolutely, totally honest, I'm not eager to spend a lot more time in Aaron's company. But that's just me, you know. I keep telling people I fast-forward over the scariest parts of the stories I read. I'm hopeless, aren't I?)
