I totally got sucked into this story despite my efforts not to--I really don't have time to be reading fanfic right now goofy .

This is just awesome. I love how you have a great balance between the A and B plot.

“He's in the military but I guess it’s something he can’t really talk about much.” She rolls her eyes. “I bet he’s really a paper pusher and he just says that to make it sound more interesting. He admired the hell out of our uncle who actually was some kind of covert big shot.”

“He was? Did he retire?”

“Killed in the line of duty,” Emily says quietly. “But, because of his job, that’s all they would tell us.”
Uh-oh. I have a really bad feeling about this and a pretty good idea of who that "uncle" might have been. Marty and Emily seem hostile towards Superman and what Marty said about Superman being an advance guard is very reminiscent of someone else we know (and despise).

I wondered about this:

I stare up at the sky and wonder if Lucas ever floated in the lake like this. Could he pick out Krypton's sun among all the stars? Was he stranded here or did he come here deliberately? The only things I learned about him today were that he ate a lot of chicken and could have picked a sturdier wood to build his house.
So does Clark think that Lucas was Kryptonian? Of course, it makes sense, but I would think that initially Clark would try to find a different explanation for Lucas' flying. It just seems to me that he wouldn't automatically assume that he was Kryptonian. Just a thought, feel free to ignore it smile .

Loved the kiss at the end of part 4! Wow, that was hot!

Great job and more soon, please!

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa