Alright everyone, gather round: It's time for the

Great FDK Scavenger Hunt!

The Rules are as follows:

I will give you an item/concept/whathaveyou. You must find a fic that contains this item and leave an FDK post.

If the fic has multiple chapters, you only need to comment on one. Preferably the most relevant one.

How old or recent the fic is does not matter. (Except for scoring; see below).

Whether a fic is complete does not matter. (WIPs welcome)

Where the fic is hosted does not matter. (Ao3,, and someone's old Geocities page are all fair game).

Fandom DOES matter: only fics based on L&C:TNAoS are eligible.

If, and only if, the story has no pre-existing place for FDK (such as a story only found on the LnC archive), you may start a new thread for it yourself.

Your post must:
1. Mention this scavenger hunt (links preferred but not mandatory)
2. Quote a line or passage which proves that this fic contains what you're looking for
3. Mention something about the fic: this IS an FDK challenge, after all.

YOU MAY NOT tag a fic that someone else has already gotten to. If the challenge item is "sentient teddybears" and someone has already posted their FDK Challenge post on "Superman vs Teddy Ruxpin" (note: example title only, probably not a real fic), then you cannot claim the same story. You may, however, claim any sequel or prequel, etc., if it also qualifies.

YOU MAY NOT tag your own fic. Giving yourself FDK is just silly.

Multiple entries will only be allowed AFTER nine participants have reported in. This unlocks the Free-for-All.

When you have tagged your fic, come back here and post what it is. Links preferred if you can.

Questions may be posted here also, or you can come bother me on the Discord if you'd rather.


Okay ready? Since this is the inaugural one, let's start with something easy:

Find a Fic which involves TIME TRAVEL

Last edited by Queen of the Capes; 05/08/24 02:48 PM.
