Oh my this is ahilarious twist. So we have Clark, Lois, Jimmy, Lex and some scientists, stuck in the ice age world. Hrm, how long will it take for the rest of the crew to find out Clark=Superman to get the surviving on track? I'm sure Clark will rather reveal himself than letting anyone die so that's only a matter of time. And how frustrating it will be for dear Lex that he has to rely on Superman for his an dhis crew's survival, oh Tempus would love the irony, wouldn't he?

And then, that OTHER twist. Ahh! So we are in the world of cave!Lois and Kal. I assume "the beast" is the reindeer from earlier. Now you absolutetely MUST write the sequel where the two LnC sets meet, since I'm sure Kal will discover something else than fruit out there... Pretty please?

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.