This gets easier the more stories I read.

1. Currently reading this one.
Murder over Metropolis by CarrieRene
2. Haven't read it yet but I'm pretty sure it's -
Hurt - Clarks Story by Kathryn84
3. This one was soooo good.
A Matter Of Trust by bakasi
4. Oo! This is
one of the Investigate stories. But which one...
Investigate: Beckoning by Blueowl
5. Um, um, this is from
that series by Queenofthecapes where Clark and Lois are married and the Justice League is involved and Clark's brain goes haywire after Nightfall...
Just Another Day at the Park by Queen of the Capes
6. I just read this a few weeks ago. What was it called?...
IBM: Darkest Before the Dawn by JadedEvie
7. Read this one not so long ago too.
Could'a, Would'a, Should'a by Toomi8

Last edited by AmandaK; 02/22/24 02:06 PM.