Two of my fics are my favorites this year.

The One Where Mayson Lives

The title helps sum it up. Mayson doesn't die in the car bomb! How does Clark deal with her knowing his secret?

Don't click if you haven't read it wink

I love that there's two reveals. The Mayson reveal isn't mine, it's from the show, but how she bluntly tells Clark that he's being an idiot towards Lois.

It was fun to write Mayson's character from a different angle, now that she's not fawning all over him.

Could'a, Would'a, Should'a

Lois is given an opportunity to fix one moment in her life. How does she?

It's hard to say much about this without giving away the plot, which is partially revealed in chapter two. If you haven't read it, give it a shot. Probably one of the favourite fics I've written for this fandom.

If you have read it, or don't mind being spoiled....

HoL leaves so many holes in the plot it's so hard not to play in them. This entire fic was propelled by the final scene in chapter ten, where Lois essentially dies and the rest of it was crafted around that. I love the reveal for Lois (again, chapter ten) and I tried to write it as a time, place and moment reveal to the reader too. Hopefully that worked!