I promised myself I'd do a lot more reading before I even attempted writing something. And then the anniversary of Ficlet Friday sounded fun and potentially low key to participate in, so I casually started writing an outline. And then 24 hours went by and somehow 8,000 words tumbled forth. Not a ficlet! But a first fic dance

I got so much joy out of writing this! I'm so grateful for all the help and support I received to even attempt this, let alone be able to post it. hailAnd I'm immensely grateful to you for having read it and finding yourself on the feedback thread! I hope you got a few chuckles out of it!


The Dating Game: Super Edition (1/1)

Last edited by Darth Michael; 11/26/23 10:11 AM. Reason: Fixed post-icon

“I should’ve known better than to order chinese food from a place called Ralph’s Pagoda.”