So glad that I could read these three sections together! This story is so wonderfully sweet and swoony and melty!

she had lingered on his stoop and said something with her eyes that made him feel certain she was looking at Superman, not Clark. Because he knew without a doubt she wanted him to kiss her.
This is so painfully bittersweet!

“Oh, right! That does fit. I always forget.” She filled in the answer and was ready to go on to the next clue as if she hadn’t just...
This makes such an impact, getting it from Clark's view!

His heart stuttered to a stop and seemed to hang suspended on this feeling, this revelation that—while she’d failed to recognize that her hero was also her partner—she could see right through to the heart of him. And he wasn’t quite sure what to do with that feeling yet.
I love this - and the section leading up to it!

something in his heart grabbed ahold of this moment and tucked it safely inside.
It breaks your heart a little to read this, because you realize how few of these moment Clark's been afforded.

He stood up hotly and began to pace, gesturing emphatically in front of her as he spoke.
I get the feeling that between this and Nigel's new quest for Lois, Lex is going to end up spoiling this date no matter what they do!

Looking forward to the next section!