Hi Morgana!

As the two friends enjoy their time together, does anybody care to know what or rather who the topic of their discussion might be? What are the consequences for such an innocent conversation?
/Buckles in/

A completely different work outfit from her friend’s, suited for the young and hip employee of a rising computer company.
Your trademark descriptions!

They were discussing a well-worn topic: the lack of datable men in the great city of Metropolis.
laugh either gay, superhero, or friendzoned.

She seems to think I should have a set list of guys to take me out every Friday night.
Repeat customers!

Oh come on! With all the handsome men you meet while hunting down stories, don’t tell me none of them are interesting.
Criminal. Psychopath. Politician. Or any combination thereof.

He stood me up on the night of the White Orchid Ball because he had – get this – the sniffles!”
/points at latest pandemic/ and he *is* a doctor.

See, Mitchell’s a perfect example of a guy, not a man. He kinda reminds me of that wimpy coffee drink…a low fat latte. It tastes okay at first but has no staying power.
laugh and didn’t Lois say that Lucy recommend square dancing to meet “guys”? I can see the issue.

Unless I wanted to have an in-depth discussion about a particularly loathsome disease he was studying.”
Or contracting?

, “Speaking of men. What about Clark?”
All around good guy.

Not fishing in that particular pond ever again.”
Yeah, might try Dynamite fishing, though.

His eyes smolder…. Like … like hot chocolate when he looks at you!”
LOIS: Well, like a mud pack at the spa.

He does think quickly on his feet, though. That man gets more Superman exclusives than me!”
It’s because he’s a lying conniving cheat.

As for the gentleman part, Lois thought for a moment of how he tricked her into searching in the Metropolis reclamation plant looking for Superman’s spaceship.
He didn’t tittle-tattle on her to Perry. He instead challenged her to a duel. Like gentleman do.

She had sights on getting another Kerth award. She couldn’t do that and pursue a serious relationship.
Well, she could have done that with Lex. She did try to do it with Superman. Wonder what Kerth-worthy secrets Clark Kent holds?

Okay than, since Lois Lane is a hot shot investigative reporter, any idea what Superman does when he’s not flying around Metropolis in tights?”

Lois sat still for a moment, thinking deeply. “That’s a mystery worth investigating because, I honestly don’t know.”
Was there ever a story where Lois asked Clark to help figure out what Superman does in his spare time?

I know there’s serious interest in Clark and Superman. But you can’t have it both ways.
shock evil

. So who is it going to be? A kiss of Hot Chocolate or Super Double Shot Espresso?”
Awwwww…./points at title/

For days afterwards she would sneak a peek over to Clark’s desk when he was deep into drafting an article and her traitorous thoughts slipped to the wrong places. Oh, such thoughts were not good, not smart and most of all not for Lois Lane, investigative reporter for the Daily Planet.

The kisses were with the same man, Clark Kent, her partner, and a farmer’s son from Kansas… might possibly be … the Man of Steel?
Nah… can’t be.

She closed her eyes, hoping and praying that she wasn’t about to make a fool of herself and lose the best friend she ever had, “I know its late, but could you come over for …hot chocolate or maybe an espresso? It’s important. We …we have a lot to talk about….”

The End
Awww… that was chocolatey sweet!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.