Thanks for the praise, Kathy. Wow. blush

You also gave me an evil idea for a Tank ending. Since Dan is a stranger, fated in the normal universe to hating Clark Kent and desiring Lois for himself, what if Dan is in reality a double agent working on the inside for Luthor? Maybe Lois turning him down years ago turned him to the dark side. wink He's now privy to everything behind the scenes at Port Royal. How else can Luthor avoid a Lois Lane investigation for ten years?

Dan can tell Luthor that Clark Kent has returned as Conner Devon. Luthor can move in with kryptonite and destroy him, while at the same time taking over a now in disarray Devon Enterprises (or whatever it's called) becoming by far the richest man in the world. And with the Kents disposed of, Scardino and Luthor kidnap Lois and make her their love slave (heck, every other villain on the series wanted to do this) and raise Clark Jr. as Lex's son. evil

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin