Coming in late to this story, but I hope you get to finish it soon! (selfishly really, really wants to see L&C get married on the farm! That's the BEST place for their wedding!! Squeee!!!)

SO much going on here, with all of Clark's complex emotions about the family dying in the fire, the farm being in disrepair, his dad's poor health...him not being able to save everyone... How hard must that all be to deal with? I can't imagine.

I've read a few stories (I can never recall the names, and it's been a while, so I can't really recall the details either) where Clark basically decides he HAS to be Superman all the time, because if there are people out there who need help, how can he NOT help? How can he be doing anything else? (His thoughts in those stories, I mean).

But here, in this story, the heart of it is that he's having to deal with the fact that those around him, whom he loves, are mortal...and can (and will eventually) die. And there's not anything he can do about that. ...And that's something that is just REALLY, REALLY hard for him to handle.

So, I'm interested to see how the rest of it plays out -- will he accept that he can and should and must go back to Metropolis with Lois? His mom is certainly giving him all the reassurance and everything he needs. (And Lois has been really great all through this too!)

But, what an emotional roller coaster for him!

Thanks for sharing, and I hope that you can finish up the last few chapters!

wildguy (I think this is supposed to be the *poke* *poke* *poke* smiley confused)
