Originally Posted by bakasi
Love this chapter. Kal is uncharacteristically emotional, which is a nice change. I'm hoping he'll get help soon. What is his Lois doing? I'd she working on a solution?

Thanks ^_^ Everyone has their limits, and Kal is certainly close to his.
As for Lois back at home.... Well, we'll get back to her eventually.

Originally Posted by SuperBek

I teared up when I read him say how he misses his wife! whinging Ahh! And how hard to not use the wrong words when talking to Lois about "Clark" and Lois on his world!

I really hope some sort of help comes soon! And since he's usually so proactive, I bet he's struggling quite a bit with feeling like he's not doing anything/enough to get home. whinging

I do wonder if S.T.A.R. Labs will be able to help in any way!

Looking forward to the next chapter!!!


Yeah, it's really hard for Kal at the moment and he's doing everything he can to distract himself because there's not much he can do to get home....

Thanks for sharing your thoughts ^_^
Next part will be up shortly.