Thank you for posting so much of the next section, Bek. It's excellent. I can almost feel Clark2's physical pain as his wound starts to heal. I can feel his confusion as he returns to awareness, his jealousy over altClark and Lois, his self-anger at that jealousy, his difficulty in adjusting to his new reality - all of it.

And now he has to adjust to a man who is him-not-him in his and Lois' lives. This new man has replaced him as Superman, as Clark Kent, as Lois' best friend, and he has to reconcile his reasoning mind - which tells him that it's okay, all this is as it should be - with his emotional being - which desperately wants to hate altClark for having all that is his by all that is right. It's a terrific conflict, and the resolution will be fun to read, even though we already know from the first story that these three will reach a kind of equilibrium.

I, for one, hope that you will take the story a couple of steps past the ending of part I, where you further develop these story lines and make everyone even happier.

As long as there's no polyandry. Please. That might be a logical conclusion, but - eww.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing