Hi Bek!
Clark gets Lois a gift, but the gift has some unexpected consequences.
Consequences of a gift. Consequences of a Clark gift. Hmm…maybe chocolate baked goods from Smallville and the consequences are displayed on Lois’s bathroom scale?
LOIS: mad

Clark Kent held the small, silver-wrapped gift in his hands, mulling over his decision yet again.
Okay, not about a thousand calories in chocolate goods.

She hadn’t asked for it, and it wasn’t her birthday or Christmas or any other holiday where gift giving was considered appropriate.
LOIS: Gift? For me? Gimme!

But he’d bought the gift for her because…well, she really needed it.
/Shakes head and removes fingers from keyboard/ Not going there…

His gaze lifted up from the package to his partner and girlfriend,
Girlfriend? Gifts are always appropriate.

But he’d bought the gift for her because…well, she really needed it.
Okay, going somewhere else...
LOIS: A pocket dictionary? mad

. She was beautiful and intelligent and passionate and strong. And she’d chosen him. Not Scardino. Not even his spandex-clad alter ego.
/Checks timeline/
Time to kill her!

shoved the package into the lower drawer of his desk. He’d give it to her later today.
No, not a ring. Maybe a necklace to communicate his intent to propose.

And an appreciative Lois was a happy Lois. And a happy Lois made him happy.
See? Happy wife. Happy life.
CLARK: shock hyper The reader said wife!

He stole another glance in her direction and was surprised to see her desk empty. He hadn’t heard her leave, and he’d only looked down at his drawer for a few seconds as he’d stuffed the package in.
She's slippery when sneaky.

He should have heard as she snuck up behind him. He should have felt her presence as she leaned over and carefully slid open the lower desk drawer that he’d closed only seconds ago.
Also, cleverly written!

“Well, uh, yeah, but—”
Yes she must know immediately.

His breath caught in his throat as she moved closer to him and settled on the corner of his desk, crossing her legs slowly and deliberately.

For a moment, he allowed himself to stare at her; she had, after all, chosen to sit there and in that manner to distract him, hadn’t she? Of course she had, he reasoned. Because she wanted to…open the gift now.
[Linked Image]

“A day planner? You got me…a day planner?”
Hey at least it’s not a dictionary . It could be a planner pre-filled with date-dates, an engagement party and a wedding date. (Also, I completely spaced on that scene from Season Three or Four about the day planner for Superman.)

“I thought, you know, since you forgot about your appointment at the DMV last week, and then you forgot about last night—”
Careful now. That was only because her mind was preoccupied with her boyfriend. A situation that's gonna soon be remedied.
CLARK: The being occupied thing?
LOIS: The boyfriend thing.
CLARK: help

and then you forgot about last night—” “I told you, I didn’t forget about our date last night, Clark. I just…forgot what time I was supposed to meet you,” she argued.
So, the man with the cheesy videos suddenly is concerned about Lois missing their date?

Right, well… Maybe, if you had a day planner, you could be…better organized.”
Danger! Danger! Danger!

I mean, do you even have a day planner?”
Two. One is black, the other one is a bright blue.

And of course she would distract him by sitting right there…right on his lap. Her chest heaving as she giggled into him. Her breath hot against his neck.
Foreplay !

Of course I have a day planner, Lois. I actually have two.”

Her face was only inches from his now, and she leaned in a bit closer to him, taunting him, it seemed—taunting him to take just a tiny look downward at her ample cleavage that would be oh so visible if he just… Clark shook his head.
She told him a year ago the length she’d go to get the goods. Why would her private interrogations be any less…involved?

Her voice trailed off as she turned back toward him, and he immediately raised his eyes up from their traitorous downward drift.
He does realize she knows, right?

Two planners. Right. Of course he had two planners. One for Clark Kent and one for… He wanted to smack himself.
Blood flow issues?

And what was the harm in telling her that he had a second planner he kept at home? It wasn’t like she was going to dig through his drawers to find it. It was, after all, just a day planner.

Well, yeah. I keep one here and one at home. That way, I know what’s going on, no matter where I am,” he reasoned. That sounded…reasonable, after all.
How does he sync them?
CLARK: Lotus Domino server, hosted at the Kent farm by my mother, why do you ask?

a riot at Metropolis Penitentiary. He’d better hurry before things got any more out of control.
Purge Day?

Ha, well, Lois, all this talk of appointments and day planners, and I just realized that I forgot I have an appointment with my optometrist right now! I’ll be back soon!”
Sounds …reasonable?

He gave her a crooked smile, and before she could respond, he kissed her lightly on the cheek and took off jogging toward the stairwell, tugging at his tie.
And Lois won’t go digging in his apartment?

and a quick scan of the bookshelves, at least from where she stood, revealed nothing.
It’s hidden in the Complete History of the Smallville Scarecrows.

She’d agreed to have dinner here with him tonight for one reason and one reason only.

…or the way he distracted her by rolling up his sleeves part way to reveal his nicely tanned, muscular forearms. Come on, Lane. Focus.
Maybe she could focus more after a quick fade-to-black.

It was just a day planner after all. Nothing scandalous or sneaky.
CAT: Many a politician-frequented cathouse got tripped up by a wayward day planner.

Yes, she’d snooped after he’d taken off from work earlier. She wasn’t terribly proud of it. But now she knew that he was most certainly keeping something from her.
Nah, just the missus and two rugrats.

Clark’s second day planner! And it seemed much more…full than the one he kept at work. Colorful tabs and post-it notes tagged nearly every page, and the well-worn book was stuffed with extra note pages.
Ummm Clark? Shouldn’t Superman keep his day planner in his Fortress?

And given the dates and times and locations… Oh, God.
Her partner is Superman’s personal reporter! No wonder he gets all the best scoops!

Their eyes met briefly, and she watched, intrigued, as his eyes darted to the day planner in her hand.
Aaaand that’s how Clark burnt his first dinner.

His dark brown eyes stared back at her, and any doubt she’d had dissolved into a familiar flutter in her chest.
Superman. Clark without clothes. They’re the same!

She’d pencil in some time to be mad later. The End.
laugh or just some groveling time in his day planner? Plus chocolate providing.

That was a most adorable story clap

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.