Originally Posted by CarrieRene
Now that the pie was ready to put in the oven, she couldn’t figure out where to put the pie. It needed to bake for fifteen minutes at 425 degrees. She did the calculations in her head. If the turkey was set at 325 and the pie needed to be at 425, maybe she could put the pie in at 325 and bake it longer. Yup, that is what she would do.

Oh, Lois, that's not how it works, honey. lol

Originally Posted by CarrieRene
Another dish that needed the oven. How did people make these fancy dinners with just one oven?

It's not easy! (We only have one tiny oven, so I feel this!! goofy)

Originally Posted by CarrieRene
She wasn’t sure if anyone would even come, but she decided she deserved a perfect Christmas dinner, even if she didn’t have anyone to share it with.

Don't worry, Lois, your best friend will not let you down! love

Love this little added scene, and Lois was indeed quite lucky to have found a place that could deliver her the food on time!

Thank you for sharing!!
