I took an academic writing class a few years back that had students to write a 1000 word story, and cut it to 500 words. The final cut put the story down to 100 words and while it was challenging, some really fantastic drabbles emerged. As I've been in a bit of a rut lately with the half dozen or so other fics on the go, I thought I'd challenge myself. I spotted a shooting star on the way home from a wedding rehearsal on Friday and the fic essentially wrote itself on the hour long drive home. It's not 100 words, but comes in just shy of 1000 words; a rare short piece from me!

Thanks to Anna B. The Greek for a quick beta read!

Fic is here.

If you get a chance, and clear skies, the Leonid meteor shower is supposed to peak this coming weekend (Nov 19/20). The meteor shower in the fic is the Perseids, coming to a sky near you every August.