One of my favorite characteristics of your Clark/Kal is the way he uses his authority and the command he seems to hold over others—sparingly but meaningfully. I can’t remember if there were examples of this in Acts 1 and 2, but here in just this half of Keeper there are two… Where he halts the arguments with the Lanes and when he halts the NKers during the UN meeting…and I’m not sure whether you intended it or not, but the first mirrored and foreshadowed the second beautifully! Those parts both just really gave me strong FEELS!

I also love how you’ve explored his powers in a different an more in-depth way that we got to see in the series! I’m not sure our Clark would be so analytical or frank as yours is, but you’ve built such a rich and strong version of Clark with Investigate that it makes for a enjoyable and exciting journey to be on! smile

And now I shall make everyone jealous with the fact that I get to go start reading Act 4… wink

Sara smile

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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