Lucy fumed as Lois looked at Kal, completely unsure of what to do. Kal took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Lucy, Lois is my fiance," he stated.

"What?" Lucy asked, utter confusion strangling the tirade that had been about to continue.

Ooops! Lois and Superman were caught in a really bad situation... help Lois needs a confident, it might as well be Lucy.

"No. I–I mean, sure, it might make some things easier, but overall, I really don't think they need to know. As awful as this sounds, they're really not part of my life enough for it to be worth it. For the risks to be . . . I mean, what would the benefits really be? It would only make things more complicated. Hopefully I'm making sense. I just . . . do you want them to know?" she asked, growing uncertain.

"Considering everything . . . no. And yes, you're making sense. It's a dangerous secret," he said softly.

Clark has a REALLY good point here. He doesn't have a relationship with either one of Lois' parents. Somehow I can't imagine such a thing ever happening. But most of all, this is a dangerous secret, one that could make any who know about it a potential target for the bad guys. The very thought of Ellen knowing makes me want to cringe. dizzy


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.