Originally Posted by Blueowl
Awww, Martha's history is so sad, but it really explains a lot about her. I wonder what her mom would think about her life now and how vital she has been in shaping the hero who has literally saved the world.

Admittedly, that does make me wonder how Martha or Jonathan's parents would have reacted in learning about Clark.

Anyway, loved the dress scene. Looking forward to more.

I found a picture of the perfect dress and wrote up the description from there. Thank you so much for the feedback. We needed more of Martha's history, I think, and how she became such a wonderful woman.

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
Ahhhh!! I just caught up on this last night and this morning! I love the themes of Clark being too hard on himself and Lois needing to take care of him and show him who he is—both Superman and Clark. He definitely needs her to ground him—and btw, one of my favorite lines and my headcanon as well, that the sound of her heartbeat grounds him. Gahhh!

Another favorite part was in chapter 5 when Lois goes to the hospital and asks to see her “father-in-law” and the admin lady was essentially like, “Hey, Lois! No need to lie. You’re family. Go on back.” (But you said it better—I’m just not going back to dig up the quote. goofy)

And EEEEEE! I loved Lois’ proposal! Just perfect! love

I’m glad to see him coming out of things now, but I was also glad to see him still a bit resistant to leaving Smallville and accepting that help is all around them, he IS doing enough even when he lives in Metropolis, and that there are all types of family—he just has to learn to embrace all that!

Looking forward to seeing the rest!!

Sara smile

Yes, I have seen that heartbeat used many times before and I think it was true. And yes, in a small town, they would know exactly who she is and how close she was to the family. I am so ecstatic that you were able to catch up to this. Thank you so much.