Thanks for all the feedback...keep it coming!
It really energizes me to write more when I know someone is reading it. smile1

There are going to be a few twists and turns, so it may look a little bleaker before it gets better. I hope you'll all stick around for the ride.

And without trying to give the plot away, let me say Ann, that I could not envision in this story making Lois Lane a desperate woman, not in the sense of being willing to take back a LYING Clark Kent. NO, I believe she would have to see a real change before reconciliation could begin. I'm not out to make Dan a bad guy, either, though, anymore than the movie did of Hildi's fiancee. He's more comic relief than anything to me. Dan is the one character I would NOT want to be in this story.
evil mwhaahahhahhhaa!

Now I will shut up before I just give it all away...I've never been great at keeping surprises.
Although it helps that I'm not 100% sure how it's going to unfold myself. I just write and see what comes out. And I'm only a post ahead of you guys, so you see why it takes me a while to get it out.
Of course, I'm finding I seem to be more motivated to write when I know someone is going to hound me a little for it, go figure. I must be a masochist or something. LOL

Anyways, thanks for all the wonderful comments.


(Elrond's blessing at the departure of the company from Rivendell)

"Farewell, and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your faces!"
-Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien