I’m back to thinking about this.

I have this picture of some Metropolis based rent a thugs hired to provide security for a “meet” of some type between out of town criminals who claim they are meeting with some local crime groups.

Thug 2 on com: “Boss, problem James just showed up with Lois Lane”.

Boss: “How much damage did they take?”

Thug 2: “nothing that I can see, and Lane is walking, no restraint or blindfold. Clearly she let them take her”

Boss: “oh crap”

Thug 3: “Boss, I didn’t sign up for kidnapping or murder”

Boss: “None of us did, ok everyone let’s make sure we’ve got eyes on all James’s people. Shift them away from all the access points, 3 and 4 keep close to Lane in case these idiots think of eliminating her. Lethal force in protecting Lane or ourselves is authorized.”
