Ahh, what a neat way to begin the weekend!

How something so simple as a cup of tea could push the flood of emotions back behind the dam that had been threatening to overtake her. Every choice. Every decision. Everything was called into question as she struggled to come to terms with the hard truth of how faulty her judgment was and how close she’d come to making a deadly decision.

Nobody does tea and sympathy quite like this two! Clark's gourmet stash of international teas always help to steady Lois in times of crisis. Right now, having Tempus and Lex Luthor team up is definitely crisis mode.

A smile spread across her lips and she leaned another inch toward him so there was only a mere millimeter of space between them. Her eyes sparkled as her face tilted up, closing the distance and capturing his lips with hers with a fiery intensity that threatened to bubble over as his hands moved into her hair. His lips pressed against hers, devouring her as he sank back against the couch, allowing her to continue the embrace at whatever pace she wanted

Break out the popcorn! What a kiss! sloppy

Her lips parted and a low moan escaped her throat as he pulled away. It took her a brief moment to realize the phone on the side table was ringing. He let out a shallow breath and reached his arm over to answer the phone, still keeping his other hand on her hip as he greeted the caller.


That was all it took before a painful groan escaped his throat and he fell over, withering in pain.

Two questions: First, why would Clark break off kissing the woman of his dreams to take a phone call? Its not like this is a Superman rescue or something like that! Second, did I miss something? How could Tempus affect Clark with GreenK over the phone?! jawdrop

Lex pulled out a gun and pressed the barrel to Tempus’ temple, “Future or not you can’t reap the fruits of your labor with a bullet in your brain.”

Tempus laughed and pushed the barrel of the gun away, “Oh, Lex, you are ruthless, aren’t you? I knew I looked up to you for a reason.”

Duh! Tempus, don't forget you may be from the future, but dirty tricks are not limited to you. Lex, despite being a little nutty, is still infinitely more dangerous than you will ever be. Watch your back!

“Hi?” Lois glanced at the man with a bowler hat standing outside Clark’s door.

“Yes, quite, Ms. Lane, I apologize for my tardiness but the events of this time appear to have changed from the original timeline and …” he smiled, tipping his hat. “My apologies. I’m here to see Superman.”

HG! Where have you been and how can the time stream be put back on track?

Having so much fun with this fic! smile1


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.