Hi Annette,

thanks for confirming. I've now also been able to check the response codes. The ultimateubb.php returns the white page and status code 500, while some other path, e.g. ultimateubb1.php gives us a 404 response. So, yeah, looks like the ultimateubb.php is simply broken. While we're waiting for Support to get back on this, do you have access to the server log. Usually, server side errors should get logged so we can do some diagnostics. It might just be that the ultimateubb.php needs to be updated to work with the latest version of the board's internal APIs.

If we can get this to work via Support, that will be great since it removes the immediate stress, but the more I'm thinking about things, the more I'm thinking once we are done here and things are quiet on the home front, we should look into an automated update of all the TOCs and links inside the posts to solve this mess permanently.

wave Michael

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