Hi Sorbus,

Welcome to the boards. smile

I am prosopagnostic

Is that the official term for someone with prosopagnosia? I don't have an official diagnosis, but life experience makes me believe I have a mild to medium case of it. I rely heavily on people's voices, gaits, hair styles and the context in which I see them to identify them. (And yes -- presence or absence of glasses is a cue upon which I also depend.) Hair and skin complexion are extremely useful, as well. But faces pretty much all look the same to me -- they have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth in similar configurations; the subtler details tend to escape my notice.

Christopher Reeve's Kal would have fooled me because of his different posture, mannerisms, and voices. Bud Collyer's Kal would have as well, because of the way he changed his voice. But George Reeves' and Dean Cain's Clarks and Supermen were similar enough in voice and mannerisms that I don't think the glasses and the hair would have been enough to preserve their secrets.

I agree about removing glasses when sleeping; the first thing I do in the morning is put them on, and the last thing in the evening is doffing them. If I try to sleep on my side with them on, the earpiece digs into the side of my head in a most uncomfortable way.
