My favorite part:

Laura preferred to remain mysterious. Rather than answer, she just gave a smirk.

“Well you have to admit, he’s no Superman,” a third friend said.

Reminds us all that we rarely have all the information on things when we comment on them.

It also reminds me of a true story about Chet Atkins, arguably the best country-style guitarist ever. Seems Chet was on a cruise ship with his wife back in the mid-60s, and on a stroll around the deck he found a cheap guitar belonging to one of the crew members. Just for grins, he sat down and played it for a few minutes, then put it back. A fellow passenger - who didn't have all the information he needed - stepped up to Chet and said, "You're pretty good on that thing, mister, but you're no Chet Atkins."

Great story, Cindy. I, too, liked Laura teasing her father from afar, especially when he had a hard time staying detached and heroic. And their rapport afterward made me jealous. My girls rarely treat me that well, so I'm glad Clark doesn't have that particular problem.

I'd love to see more from you, and soon. You write very well, and most imaginatively. I see a Kerth Humor nom in your future.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing