She looked to him in surprise. "I didn't know you were from Kansas."

Clark felt his pulse jump unexpectedly— he hadn't meant to reveal that little tidbit. How did that slip out of his mouth? He was always so careful... what was it about this woman that had him opening up so much? He wanted to just come straight out and ask her, see if she felt the same about him. But instead, Clark cleared his throat and tersely answered her. "Uh, yeah. I don't like to talk about it much."

Lois' eyes glanced over him as he stood uncomfortably still beside her. He felt like somehow she was reading his soul, that every shadow and dark piece to his past could be puzzled together by her if only she looked long enough.

"You don't really have any trace of an accent."

"Thank you," he replied a bit too quickly, dismissing her comment.
What accent? I've seen this in other stories and wonder what accent?