Originally Posted by cuidadora
Catching up on my reading, and what do I find? A cliffie! That'll teach me. lol

Seriously, great part. Loved Clark opening up to Benji. Grandma Tildy is priceless. Benji is definitely in the right place the way Grandma Tildy and Chen reacted. Looking forward to the rest of the conversation.

Thanks so much! Glad you liked the part. I LOVED letting Grandma get the drop on Clark in this chapter. If you think she's priceless now, just wait until the next chapter! She's a shrewd woman.

I liked letting Clark be able to drop his guard with Benji and Jack. Makes him feel like even his prior homelessness has a purpose and a silver lining to it.

More to come soon!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon