Originally Posted by SupesFan
This was so worth the wait. I love the expanded mini interaction with Stern. These rich backstory tidbits create such a rich trapestry. I agree, drinks from glass containers do taste better than those from cans or plastic. Clark, take my advice. Tell Lois you moonlight in tights. What is your planned posting schedule? To think I slept, not realizing a posting occurred. That won’t happen again if I can help it! I want to set an alert for updates.

Aww, thanks so much! Glad you're enjoying it. Lots of stuff happening in this story, so stay tuned!

Posting will likely be Fri/Sat weekly. Depends on what's going on and how exhausted the kids make me. wink But I always try to stick as close to an exact weekly schedule as I can.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon