Michael - I'm shocked to see that it's been over two years and I never replied. Forgive me? grovel FWIW, your comments always crack me up. It's like MST3000 for fic. smile

Brenda - So pleased that you got everything you asked for!
Superman's visit to Lex Towers was tense. Clark really is out of his league when dealing with criminal masterminds. He probably should not have gone.
Yeah, he probably shouldn't have gone. But Clark doesn't always think clearly when it involves Lois.
Ha! Called it!
Yes, you certainly did! laugh
I hope that she let's it slip soon that whomever it is, she hates her and is jealous.
She doesn't really let it slip, but she sure isn't very good at hiding it. lol
Sorry to quote so much, but I just love this exchange so much. I aspire to be able to write witty banter like this. And UST. I love Lois and Clark UST.
First of all, allow me to present Master of Disguise and it's epilogue Wanna Neck as proof that you absolutely do write witty banter and UST. Also, thanks! That kind of praise goes straight to my head. blush

Jackie - Lex was always perfectly calm and creepy so I'm delighted that I managed to capture that for you.
Clark can’t stop thinking of Lois wearing nothing but his boxers in his apartment. Are you trying to kill the poor guy?
Kill him? Never! But I sometimes enjoy teasing him a bit. thumbsup

Thank you all! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis