I still want to know what's wrong with Lois! It may be that it's something Bernie can help with. In the show, Lois died the day after marrying Clark before the Baron Tempus curse was lifted (ich! ptooey!) so I don't think that's it. I'll bet she has some virulent kind of cancer which is killing her slowly and that Clark has nothing at all to do with her disease.

And, with Clark's help and Bernie's treatments (assuming he's the doctor Clark mentioned), I'd bet that Lois will live to see beautiful little Havana finish her first year in kindergarten. I also suspect that Clark will be such a wonderful father that Perry will hire him and that Lois will fall in love with him again. and they'll have that wedding we almost all want them to have. (I'm sure there are a few naysayers who want the UST to continue.)

But yay for little Havana! Surely you wouldn't let her meet her daddy just to send him away again, or let her mommy die! You hinted you wouldn't! I take such hints seriously, too.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing